Author Topic: How do I install / upgrade Liquid UI for SAP GUI aka GuiXT Desktop?  (Read 22469 times)

Punil Shah

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Liquid UI for SAP GUI provides you enterprise-grade solutions to streamline, customize, and automate your SAP for your users. In this article, we will discuss the pre-requisites and the procedure to install/upgrade the Liquid UI for SAP GUI.


The following system requirement recommendations ensure effective performance of Liquid UI for SAP GUI:

• RAM: 1GB of RAM in addition to the Microsoft system requirements for the WS engine.
• DISK SPACE: 20MB of free space on your hard drive over and above the Microsoft recommendations.
• SAP: All versions of SAP GUI from 6.0 are supported, but we recommend SAP GUI 7.20 or above for the best results.

Supported Operating Systems

Liquid UI for SAP GUI  supports the following operating systems:

• Windows 10
• Windows 8
• Windows 7
• Windows XP
• Windows Vista
• Windows Server 2008
• Windows Server 2003 (Enterprise Edition)

Installing Liquid UI for SAP GUI Software
The following steps describe the procedure to install Liquid UI for SAP GUI using the InstallShield Wizard.
   1.   Close all SAP GUI sessions opened on your system, including the SAP GUI logon pad while installing or upgrading the software.
   2.   Navigate to the SAP GUI installed folder on your system.
           C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui → 32bit O.S
           C:\Program Files(x86)\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui → 64bit O.S
   3.   Take a backup of the following files in case of upgrading the software:
        •   guixt.dll
        •   webscript.dll
        •   guixt.sjs
   4.  You need to download the guixtwssetup.exe software file from the link provided by Synactive through an email.   
   5.  Run the downloaded GuiXTWSSetup.exe file as an Administrator on your system.
        (Right-click, and select "Run as Administrator")
   6.   Follow the installation wizard instructions to install the new version of the software.
   7.   Navigate to the SAP GUI folder and verify the version of the guixt.dll file.
   8.   Verify the configuration by reviewing the guixt.sjs file, and if required, copy back the guixt.sjs file from step #3 into the SAP GUI folder, to retain older configuration.

Upgrading Liquid UI for SAP GUI Software
To upgrade the software, you can either run the updated GuiXTWSSetup.exe file or replace the following DLL files with the new version DLL files existing in the SAPgui folder in your system.
  •  guixt.dll
    Contains the functions and libraries called by the GuiXT executable. You need to have this DLL to use WS/64.
  •  guixt.sjs
    Configuration file where you add license key data and location of your script files.
  •  webscript.dll
    Contains the Javascript parser, allowing the client-side Javascripts to communicate with the server-side C++ code.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2020, 10:37:57 PM by »